臺灣各地之降雨強度差異甚大,降雨強度對作物的生產與品質是一項重要的環境因子。本研究口的爲建立一套測模擬雨滴對作物植株衝擊力的系統。由蠕動幫浦產生固定粒徑爲2〜5公厘之雨滴,經由影像拍榀及軟體分析等步驟,探討雨滴分別由30,60,90和180公分高度下降至裝設壓克力板之負荷囊,以測定雨滴之衝擊力。同時由水試紙分析雨滴粒徑分佈頻率和數口。本系統亦可分析雨滴粒徑和下降高度影-壓克力板上小水滴脱起之數口、彈起高度、質量、角度和動能總和。 此量測系統之連以期能提供農業相關研究參考。 The rainfall intensity has a wide variation in Taiwan. Rainfall intensity is one of the important factors affecting crop production. To evaluate the impact force of rain drop intensity on crop tissues,a drop-generating and videographic system was developed to study the process of drop impact force on the acrylic plate of a loaded 1. Uniform water drops of 2 to 5 mm in diameter were produced using a drop generator with a peristaltic pump. Drops were released from heights of 30, 60,90 and 180 cm above the acrylic plate,then the impact and splash processes were recorded by high resolution video camera. Splash droplets were also collected on water sensitive paper. Specialized computer software was used to analyze size, number, position, and velocity ...